Know your landlord rights. Being a landlord can be a great business opportunity — but also one posing unique challenges.

If you want to learn more — especially when it comes to substance use and abuse on your property — we invite you to our FREE Landlord Workshop, 5:30-7:30 p.m. March 28 at the Garner Ed Center, 325 8th St., Garner.

At this workshop, you will learn:

Proper lease language
The eviction process
Small claims
Recognizing illegal drug activity
Smoke-free housing
Tenant screening

Presenters will include several local experts on landlord rights, including attorney Earl Hill, attorney Phil Garland, Hancock County Sheriff Scott Dodd and representatives from Hancock County Community Health.

For more information about this workshop on landlord rights and to R.S.V.P.

Contact Sarah Rayhons at [email protected]. You also can download a flier here — and share it with friends.