News & Updates
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Hurts Everyone
No matter if you're young or old, alcohol and drug abuse hurts everyone. Enlarge this article in the right hand corner to read the full article. "These children need to have their experiences validated. They also need safe, reliable adults in whom to confide...
Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder
The following are items you may not think of as signs of Alcohol Use Disorder. Someone you know or love may be experiencing this things or displaying these behaviors. Be on the lookout for warning signs and don't be afraid to reach out to...
Drive Sober, OR…
NHTSA states: "Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that's one person every 50 minutes. These deaths have fallen by a third in the last three decades; however, drunk-driving crashes claim more than...
Fact & Fiction: Marijuana
Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in America which comes from the Cannabis Sativa plant. " the tobacco plant, its smoke contains a mixture of gasses and particles that are harmful to your lungs." Watch the video to find out the...
Safe Environments for Youth
As parents, we know it is important to provide a safe environment for our children. This PSA displays just that. The message highlights the importance of securing prescription medications to ensure your family stays safe.
Teen Alcohol Use
Concerning data is revealed regarding driving under the influence of alcohol. In the last 30 days, prior to the survey, 16.7% reported being in a vehicle driven by someone under the influence of alcohol and 5.4% of the 60% who drove reported...