News & Updates
The Consequences of Underage Drinking
Consequences also come with drinking underage: -failing grades in school-lack of participation in activities -hangovers & illness -unwanted, unplanned, & unprotected sexual activity-assault-alcohol-related vehicle crashes-change in brain...
Plan Ahead for Holiday Celebrations!
As NIH States, "Many of us look forward to celebrations during the holidays, yet it is also a time when some people are more likely to drink beyond their limits than at other times of the year. Some will suffer adverse consequences that range from fights to falls to...
Summer Fun
Summer activities and risking drinking do not mix. As you know, drinking impairs physical and mental abilities that can easily result in catastrophe. Summer is a time for fun and friendship; read this article for more on how to be safe this summer! [embeddoc...
Celebrating Grads Safely
As you know, graduation is a great time to throw a celebration! Taking the time to talk with your high school senior is important because no amount of alcohol is legal to drink underage. Is drinking underage worth losing a scholarship, making poor decisions, or even...
Women & Alcohol
"Studies show that women start to have alcohol-related problems sooner and at lower drinking levels than men and for multiple reasons." Checkout this article for full details. [embeddoc...