
News & Updates

Alcohol Awareness

"Alcohol kills about 88,000 people annually in the U.S." This article discusses the short and long-term health effects drinking has on the body. Read also to find out the short-term effects on binge drinking and how it will physically impact the body.   ...

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Prevention Services

Visit the web page for additional resources.  Prevention Services offers a variety of evidence based programs ranging from: Community Coalitions, Parent/Family Education, Early Intervention, and School-Based Services. Training is...

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Binge Drinking

 "Binge drinking is a serious but preventable public health problem."Read the article here: This article lays out the details of binge drinking: who is most likely to binge drink, the serious risks of binge drinking, and the...

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Recovery Challenges

NIDA Director, Dr. Nora Volkow, discusses the challenges faced by those in recovery or struggling with addiction and NIH research dedicated to understanding SUD-related health risks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Local Community Heroes

"We wanted to share an article about an amazing act of courage and humanity involving one of our ASAP coalition members, Dr. Sandye Bednarz. What she and her fiance did was truly an act of heroism! Please read the article and help me say THANK YOU to them...

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